In the Kargil war, Pakistani enemy army captured Flat Tap. Param Vir Chakra winner Centurion Major Sanjay Kumar.
Param Vir Chakra winner Subedar Major Sanjay Kumar was born on 3 March 1976 in Kalol village of Himachal Pradesh.
November 22, 2024
Param Vir Chakra winner Subedar Major Sanjay Kumar was born on 3 March 1976 in Kalol village of Himachal Pradesh.
परम वीर चक्र विजेता सूबेदार मेजर संजय कुमार का जन्म 3 मार्च 1976 को हिमाचल प्रदेश के कलोल गांव में
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