The drunken young generation is making its own future weak, powerless and emaciated – responsible, passive, helpless and careless.

Addiction is the root of destruction, addiction is that momentary sick pleasure, after getting which the youth are preparing to give weakness and illness to their future generations. A person intoxicated adopts within himself all the bad habits and misdeeds. In the present era, more than 80 percent of the youth of the society are caught in the grip of drugs, who are not aware of their responsibilities and by being careless, finding themselves tied under the control of senseless and unnecessary fantasies, they are giving in to the rotting freedom of drugs. And the steps keep rhythm. While he does not know that the disgusting freedom which he is associating with his happiness and peace is not freedom at all, it is a kind of dependence on pleasant experiences. Such dependence in which there is a dark period of misdeeds ahead. In which there is a blind well of crime. In which there is destruction of the family, in which there is destruction of the world. In which there is end of life and end of family.Every district of Madhya Pradesh is engulfed in the black darkness of this white drug, even in the tribal areas it has its effect, here the villagers have been wasting their lives under the influence of alcohol since the beginning but now here drugs and other intoxicants are being used. The use of drugs has also started increasing, as well as the speed at which drugs are being used in urban areasAnd the extent to which drugs have made their presence felt can be gauged from the fact that in these cities, youth of 20 to 25 years of age who come from Jain community or Brahmin or Kshatriya community are also intoxicating themselves. According to knowledgeable people, there would not be any such society left whose youth is not in the grip of intoxicants or drugs. Even small children are consuming cigarettes, beedis, tobacco or pan masala available in the market.

This drug has reached every town, every city of Jhabua Alirajpur and even the villages. But those responsible appear to be feeling helpless and incapable of fulfilling their responsibilities. Or it can be said that, for the sake of small gain they are inviting a big tragedy. Here, if we talk about Jhabua district, it is omnipresent that where the drugs are coming from in the district and from which direction the drugs are turning into the city and then where the liquor is going. Looking at the scale of this situation, it seems as if Jhabua district has become a stronghold of drug trade.

Neither the administration has any option to fight this drug addiction nor does the police seem to be turning their baton in this direction. And when both of them are looking like cripples, then the public should understand that politics is completely involved in this and under the patronage of the same political people, all the intoxicants and drugs easily come into the district. That is why neither the police takes any action nor the administration gives instructions for any action in this regard.
There is a weapon to fight this storm but it also roams around like its own friends and that is social organizations… but such social organizations are only concerned with getting their photos and name in the newspapers by doing some praiseworthy work. During the rainy season, 10 people together plant a sapling and get their photographs clicked, in this way they will plant 50 saplings, but everyone knows what happens to those saplings after the rain. These social organizations neither consider the basic problem of the society nor create a discussion on the solution to that problem. Whenever any unpleasant incident happens due to drunkenness, some social people who maintain their dominance in the society express their regret through memorandum and pat themselves on the back by getting photographs taken with the officer laughing and smiling.

However, the state chief has passed an order in which it has been said to end night culture. But right now it is being implemented only in big cities like Indore, and even some people with opposing tendencies are trying hard to stop it. But if the administration or the police wish, on their own strength, they can put a ban on the night culture in the district, so that the crowd of people gathering at the main intersections of the cities at night under the pretext of tea, gutkha, pan masala or beedi cigarette will end. Intoxicants coming from outside will also be hindered from entering, which mostly happens during night travelDoes.However, despite police patrolling and security, drugs enter the city limits. The police do not even get a clue about it or the police deliberately do not want to see that clue, because political patronage and gifts force them to close their eyes.

In Jhabua, one drug is entering the city from outside and another drug is going out of the district to Gujarat without any fear, despite the vigilance of police and excise.

There are many more stories of people involved in the drug trade, the attitude of the police, the negligence of the administration, the negligence of the leaders and the inaction of the social organizations, for which we will have to wait for the next issue.

translate by “Manisha”

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